mus177/206 – introduction to JUCE

This week we will be getting started in using JUCE to create audio plugins. I will show you both the audio processing and graphic layers, and how they connect. To start, you need to download the JUCE SDK from Join with either the Education or Personal license.

Along with these lessons, you should look at the following youtube videos from The Audio Programmer (Joshua Hodge) – These cover most relevant aspects of JUCE in detail. Much better than the tutorials on the JUCE website.

Here is the class example from week 7. It was pointed out to me that JUCE has deprecated the existing createAndAddParameter method (with all the arguments). The valid way to use this method is to create a RangedParameter and hand it to createAndAddParameter. Here is gain from the class example: I create an AudioParameterFloat which gets added to the value tree (std::make_unique is a safer substitute for new).

 parameters.createAndAddParameter(std::make_unique<AudioParameterFloat>("gain", // parameter ID
 "gain", // parameter name
 NormalisableRange<float> (-60.0f, 12.0f), // range
 0.0f, // default value