mus177/206 – 3 oscillator examples

a basic triangle oscillator o1

a flexible (and probably too complicated) overtone oscillator otosc

a bell like oscillator, with non integer harmonics, and LCM phasor o2


a couple extra methods to create sine waves:

// a resonant sin wave - based on the state variable filter
ResonantFilterSine(float *frequency, float *output, long samplesPerBlock)
long sample;
float freqAngle;
for(sample = 0; sample<samplesPerBlock; sample++)
    freqAngle = twoPi * *(frequency + sample)/sampleRate
    *(output+sample) = sinZ = sinZ + freqAngle * cosZ;
    cosZ = cosZ - freqAngle * sinZ;

// method six - complex multiply sin
SinComplex(float freq, float *freqBlock, float *output, long samplesPerBlock)
	long sample;
	float freqAngle, angleReal, angleImag;
	freqAngle = twoPi * freq;
	angleReal = cos(freqAngle);
	angleImag = sin(freqAngle);
	for(sample = 0; sample<samplesPerBlock; sample++) 	
                freqAngle = twoPi * *(freqBlock + sample);
                angleReal = cos(freqAngle);
                angleImag = sin(freqAngle);
            *(output+sample) = angleReal * sinZ - angleImag * cosZ;
            cosZ = angleReal * cosZ + angleImag * sinZ;
            sinZ = *(output+sample);
            if(sinZ > 1.0f) sinZ = 1.0f; 