MUS271A (Max w9) – granular with phasor and poly~

Download the patch and abstraction here: 09-phasorgrainScreen Shot 2018-03-06 at 6.12.32 PM

To enable faster granular modulation we can use phasor~ to clock the grains at audio rate rather than metro. The signal from phasor~ is multiplied by the number of voices outside of the patch to create a ramp the rises from 0 to almost 8. Also, each message to the poly~ voices is preceded by the message target 0 so that the message (a list of parameters) is passed to all voices.
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Inside of each voice, the input from phasor~ * 8.0 is shifted down by the voice number. If the result of this is less than 0.0, 8.0 is added. The intention here is to open the cos~ window whenever between 0.0 and 1.0, and have each voice’s window offset an amount based on the voice number.

Finally, random numbers are generated quickly with a metro, and a gate stops frequency updates when the voice is active. That is, parameters are only updated when the grain is silent.