mus177/206 – updated fuzztrem, other JUCE details

Here is the updated fuzztrem plugin with 3 parameters and controls added ClassTest1126.

Sample code to parse MIDI – noteOff, noteOn and bendPitch are my own methods – you will need to write your own versions of these methods to connect the MIDI data to your process.

   MidiBuffer::Iterator it(midiMessages);
    MidiMessage msg(0x80,0,0,0);
    int pos;
    int32_t note;

    // start with the MIDI processing
    while(it.getNextEvent(msg , pos))
            note = msg.getNoteNumber();
            note = msg.getNoteNumber();

Simple code to save your current settings to a session (pulled from my plugin ++pitchsift)

void PitchsiftAudioProcessor::getStateInformation (MemoryBlock& destData)
    // You should use this method to store your parameters in the memory block.
    // You could do that either as raw data, or use the XML or ValueTree classes
    // as intermediaries to make it easy to save and load complex data.
    ScopedPointer xml (parameters.state.createXml());
    copyXmlToBinary (*xml, destData);

void PitchsiftAudioProcessor::setStateInformation (const void* data, int sizeInBytes)
    // You should use this method to restore your parameters from this memory block,
    // whose contents will have been created by the getStateInformation() call.
    // This getXmlFromBinary() helper function retrieves our XML from the binary blob..
    ScopedPointer xmlState (getXmlFromBinary (data, sizeInBytes));